Lara says: "In some ways depression and also
the menopause are more taboo subjects to discuss than cancer." As I blur
the lines between anonymity and a public face, it can be hard to be honest. To
tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. There are so many
I expect fewer people know that I am in menopause
and some of my regular meds are for (probably MS related) depression than know
that I have MS. Yes, I take anti-depressants to keep the depression at bay.
This makes me think of my need to attend continence advisory clinics. I have to
remind myself that it is not with an 'incontinence' nurse. I seek
continence, both bladder and bowel. Too much information? Is that the biggest taboo?
I confess here that not only am I having tests
related to a mega period-like bleed despite being in menopause and on HRT
(partly to protect my bone density). And I take the aforesaid antidepressants. And
I have MS. I have also had several (more than 2 less than 10) 'accidents'
recently. Is incontinence such a taboo that even medics refer to it as
accidents with me? The accidents have meant I have to do more washing - the
increase in washing detergent use alone must be part of what my DLA pays for.
And a few weeks ago, I had to clean up the driving seat of the car I had only
just bought. I didn't have to buy the car because of that 'accident'. In fact I
am thankful the driver who rear-ended my previous car causing it to be written
off, didn't also cause me to have an 'accident' of that nature. That would have
been embarrassing. The driver works for an insurance company. I think that’s
a bit embarrassing.
So, what are the taboos? As an honest person, how much about my life can I or should I talk about, openly and honestly? I am online dating in the hope of meeting someone with whom I can have a relationship. Is that a taboo too? What are taboos and what are examples of them? At least, I don't fart in public... oh, hang on, yes I do!
So, what are the taboos? As an honest person, how much about my life can I or should I talk about, openly and honestly? I am online dating in the hope of meeting someone with whom I can have a relationship. Is that a taboo too? What are taboos and what are examples of them? At least, I don't fart in public... oh, hang on, yes I do!